Partnership on the application of an HDP Nexus approach
World Vision Ireland and JRNY Consulting have embarked on a transformative five-year partnership on the application of an HDP Nexus approach with a vision to:
“…foster a shared learning experience generating knowledge to strengthen organisational capacity and champion effective nexus programming approaches.”
Co-design a comprehensive learning process throughout the ICSP Programme.
Support the implementation and delivery of the learning framework, producing annual knowledge products.
Reevaluate the concept of 'learning' to align with the holistic, integrated approach advocated by World Vision Ireland.
✓ Learning Partnership: Collaboration between World Vision Ireland and JRNY Consulting to identify and implement effective Nexus approaches.
✓ Learning Approaches: Utilizing workshops, consultations, and podcast episodes to foster a comprehensive understanding and application of the Nexus methodology.
Promotes integrated programming, establishes World Vision Ireland as a Nexus thought leader, and encourages equitable learning while influencing policy changes pm Nexus approaches.