
Supporting Trócaire’s Development of
Triple Nexus Framework & Guidance

Partner Trócaire
Location Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Myanmar, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria
Date September - December 2021
Services provided Learning Partnership

the project.

This framework and practical operational guidance was developed to support Trócaire’s country teams and local partners on the conceptualisation and implementation of both double nexus and triple nexus programming.

Our rights-based and feminist-based approach enhanced the equity and quality of the nexus programming by examining and challenging power, privileging multiple forms of knowledge, rethinking hierarchy, embracing pluralism, and considering context.

To remain culturally responsive and inclusive, our team remained attuned to demographic, sociopolitical, and contextual dimensions, locations, perspectives, and characteristics of culture when developing the framework, guidelines, and interactive tool, and worked closely with Trócaire to cement a holistic approach.


  • Develop a framework and operational guidance focusing on both double and triple nexus.

  • Help country teams and partners operationalize nexus programming

  • Provide guidelines for nexus programming across sectors, including humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding initiatives.

  • Ensure practical ways to measure the success and impact of nexus programming


  • A framework and associated guidelines

  • An interactive tool hosting criteria associated with nexus programming

  • Thematically-centred interactive presentations

  • Podcast mini-series

guidelines and framework.