Evaluation of gender- & diversity-sensitive data collection approaches within
Explosive Ordnance Risk Reduction

Partner Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining
Location Cambodia, Colombia, Iraq, Nigeria
Date April - December 2023
Services provided Evaluation, Research

the project.

JRNY Consulting used in-country researchers in this evaluation to develop country-based case studies assessing the effectiveness of inclusive data collection practices in the Explosive Ordnance Risk Reduction sector, and collecting data on disability status, gender identity, and ethnicity, in relation to core humanitarian principles and other humanitarian approaches.

A context analysis for each location allowed a deeper understanding of the unique contextual factors related to data collection and gender and diversity-sensitive processes. We used innovative approaches such as Creative Interviewing and peer-learning sessions to provide opportunities for stakeholders to exchange knowledge and experiences and to co-create recommendations to improve gender and diversity-sensitive data collection.

The overarching comparative assessment report mapped existing gender and diversity-sensitive data collection approaches in the EORR sector, assessed their effectiveness, and provided recommendations for improvement.


  • Map existing gender- and diversity-sensitive data collection approaches in the EORR sector and beyond in each country

  • Assess the feasibility and effectiveness of data collection approaches in the EORR sector

  • Develop recommendations to guide the development of the new strategic framework for 2024-2028

  • Provide country-specific recommendations to integrate context sensitivity into the data collection process in the EORR sector with a gender, diversity, equality, and inclusion perspective


  • Comparative Assessment Report

  • Four country case studies

  • Journal article presenting global key findings and recommendations for the mine action sector

  • Written content for social media promotion, infographics, and factsheets

  • Translation into Arabic, Khmer, Kurdish, and Spanish