dutch relief alliance evaluation 2022-2023

interview booking

This site is intended to provide you with essential information to help you make an informed decision about participating in the key informant interview.

Background of the Evaluation

This evaluation serves two primary purposes: to objectively assess the Dutch Relief Alliance's (DRA) progress towards its strategic goals, emphasising efficiency, impact, and the incorporation of innovative and inclusive practices. It aims to provide an independent perspective to the DRA and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), focusing on enhancing local resilience and leadership in humanitarian efforts. Additionally, the evaluation seeks to identify best practices and areas for improvement, informing strategic adjustments and learning for future initiatives within the strategic period of 2022-2026.

What will happen as a result of this assessment?

Your information will be analysed by JRNY Consulting and included in an evaluation report. This report will be made available to the DRA and may be made available to the MoFA.

Can I be kept anonymous?

Yes. Specific arrangements regarding how you may or may be featured in the evaluation report can be agreed upon prior to the start of the interview.

What will happen if I choose to take part in an interview?

Your participation is voluntary, and you may discontinue at any time. The interview will take place remotely and will be approximately 45 minutes.

How will you look after my data?  

We will look after your data following the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), a legal framework for keeping everyone’s data safe. We process your data only for the purposes outlined here.

Further information about your rights under the Regulation and how JRNY Consulting handles personal data is available through our Privacy Policy.  

Who can I contact if I have a question or a complaint?

If you have a complaint arising from your interaction with this project or if something serious occurs following your participation, please contact: Admin@jrnyconsulting.com