Evaluation Review of the British Council’s
Newton Fund Programmes on
Gender Equality & Inclusion

Partner British Council
Location Brazil, Egypt, India, South Africa, Thailand
Date March 2023
Services provided Evaluation

the project.

Alongside British Council staff, our team co-created an Analytical Tool providing an evidence-based benchmark from which to assess the extent to which the Newton Fund programme activities promoted gender equality.

The evaluation report reviewed current practices through an intersectional lens, examining how factors, in particular gender, race, and disability, intersected and were impacted by people’s experiences with the Newton Fund programmes. Our team provided detailed guidelines and recommendations to make programming work more gender-sensitive and, where possible, gender transformative. It also identified good practice in gender-sensitive and transformative initiatives in partner organisations and the wider Research and Innovation and STEM sector.


  • Review the grant application process

  • Evaluate British Council’s current approach to gender inequality

  • Increase engagement from UK and Global teams

  • Provide recommendations, tools, and resources


  • Evaluation report and supporting presentation

  • Analytical Tool and guidance for use

  • 5 country case studies

  • Dissemination activities

  • Animation summarising findings